Matt M. DAgati

REQUEST FOR COMMENT ON CLEAN ENERGY AND CLIMATE PLAN FOR 2030 Dear Residents and Businesses in our Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I am pleased to present the Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2030 for your review and input. Based on the Commonwealth’s nation-leading 2050 Decarbonization Roadmap study effort, also published today,1 Massachusetts has set its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction target for the next decade at a 45% reduction below the 1990 level in 2030. The 2030 Clean Energy and Climate Plan establishes a blueprint for achieving this limit equitably and affordably, with major new initiatives advancing decarbonization of the Commonwealth’s buildings, transportation, and electricity sectors. Stakeholder engagement with the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC) and its work groups, including one focused on Environmental Justice, has been integral to the development of this Plan. The IAC’s involvement and recommendations ...